价 格: 价格面议
运 费: 卖家承担运费
品 牌: Maxwell
产品规格: Up to 1,000,000 duty cycles or 10 year DC life
产品类型: 全新
交易类型: 所有
提供发票: 否
是否保修: 否
发布时间: 2014-08-28 16:02:54
K2 2.85V/3400F Cell - Highest Capacity
Maxwell Technologies’ K2 2.85V/3400F cell with DuraBlue™ technology is the world’s most powerful and rugged ultracapacitor. Its ruggedness makes it an ideal choice for transportation and other high shock and vibration environments. Its power and energy make it ideal for burst power and back-up power applications.